Best Diet for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a common skin condition that accelerates the life cycle of skin cells. It causes cells to accumulate on the surface of the skin quickly. Extra skin cells Often form itchy and painful scales and red patches on skin. Psoriasis is a chronic disease that often happens over and over again.
A healthy diet is important for promoting health and reducing weight. This is true for patients with psoriasis, and if they are obese or overweight, they may experience increased symptoms. If you have psoriasis, read on to find out which foods you should utilize and which ones to avoid.

Best Foods You Should Eat
• Wild-caught Fish- Fishes such as alaskan salmon, trout, salmon, sardines and anchovies contain large amounts of omega-3 fat helping reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system of your body. Wild-caught Alaskan salmon, sardines and anchovies are the best fish you can eat because they are not grown in intensive animal feeding operations where they can be artificially fed or contaminated with health-damaging chemicals.
• Seeds such as flaxseed and pumpkin seeds – These seeds are an important source of omega-3 fats which are definitely Anti-inflammatory. Flaxseed oil can help solve psoriasis and other skin diseases such as rosacea and eczema. On the other hand, an animal study shows that pumpkin seed oil can also help to reduce arthritis, just like a a drug called indomethacin.
• Fruits and veggies – Green leafy vegetables are excellent solutions to help treat certain diseases. If you or someone you know is experiencing arthritis pain, eating vitamin K-rich vegetables such as spinach and kale can work well to reduce inflammation triggers in the blood. In addition, some fruits such as berries and cherries are also good choices if you are psoriasis sufferers.

Worst Foods You Should Avoid
• Citrus Fruits – Citrus fruits are praised for their rich volume of Vitamin C and E, but they are also common allergens as is known to all. Taking them out of your diet can definitely enhance your skin health. It’s wise to avoid grapefruit, oranges, lemons and limes as well as their juices during this time to keep down the inflammation.
• Alcohol- The relations between alcohol and psoriasis is unclear, but experts say that if you drink alcohol, consume mild ones. For men, this means no more than two cups per day and no more than one cup for women. Studies have shown that men who drink a lot of alcohol do not respond to psoriasis treatments. Some studies have shown that people often find their skin to get better when they stop drinking.If your condition is particularly severe or if you take certain medications to fight psoriasis, your doctor will ask you to say no to any alcohol.
• Gluten- Gluten is a kind of protein found in grains like rye, wheat and barley. It is known that gluten can cause allergies when the body produces antigens to respond to gluten. This can lead to immune system reactions and even the development of autoimmune diseases. Thus, remove it from your diet to avoid risks of deteriorating the condition.
Studies have shown that people with psoriasis are more likely to have another autoimmune disease. This plan may be useful when you are allergic to gluten. If your diet does not contain gluten, it means you have to exclude foods such as wheat, barley and rye. The downside is that those foods are also good for heart health, and psoriasis can increase your chances of getting heart diseases. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to the food you eat.
Joyce Waston

Posted on May 5, 2023