1. Causes and Symptoms
In many cases, melanoma is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or tanning beds. It destroys the DNA of your skin cells, and they begin to grow uncontrollably.
However, you can still get the disease on parts of your body which do not get sunlight such as the retinas of your eyes or the palms of your hands. You have high chances of getting melanoma if you have:
1) Irregular or several moles (not small brown blemishes or beauty marks)
2) Fair skin, along with lighter eye and hair color
3) A family history of melanoma
If your melanoma has actually spread to other parts of the body, you may have the following symptoms:
1) Weight loss
2) Bone pain or, less often, broken bones
3) Painful or swollen lymph nodes
4) Hardened lumps under your skin
5) Fatigue
6) Headaches, seizures, or numbness or weakness in your legs or arms

Source: Thinkstock/Tharakorn
Posted on May 5, 2023