3. Treatment
Even though metastatic melanoma isn’t easy to treat, you have some choices. Choosing what suits you will depend on the location and size of cancer, your health, and your wishes.
Since many cases of metastatic melanoma cannot be cured, the treatment has the following goals:
1) Make you feel more comfortable
2) Reduce or stop the growth of the disease where it has spread
3) Stop it from spreading to new parts.
The treatment used to be majorly chemotherapy and radiation. Currently, studies show that there are newer drugs which can work better.
Your treatment may include:
1) Chemotherapy and radiation – these can assist some people based on the location and size of cancer.
2) Surgery – Your doctor may remove lymph glands or tumors. Though surgery only possibly will not cure cancer, it can help you live longer and have fewer symptoms.
3) Targeted therapy -This form of treatment aims to kill cancer cells without damaging the healthy ones. It may work for people who have some changes in genes.
4) Hypnotherapy – These drugs improve your immune system to attack cancer better. You get immunotherapy through an IV or shot in high doses. It can pose serious side effects, but it can also reduce metastatic melanomas and help some people to live longer.

Source: Thinkstock / AndreyPopov
Posted on May 5, 2023