4. Taking Care of Yourself
Hearing that your cancer has spread is very scary, but numerous research studies are underway to discover new forms of treatment. Some treatments help to stop the disease from spreading to other parts so that you can live longer.

Source: Thinkstock/ Fuse
It is important to have support and talk about your feelings and fears too. Your doctor can assist you to find a cancer support group.These tips may assist you to feel better during melanoma treatment:
1) In case you lose your appetite, eat light meals after 2-3 hours instead of heavy meals. A dietician can offer you other tips on eating and nutrition during this period. Ask your doctor for a referral.
2) Regular exercise can assist you to feel better and fight fatigue. It depends on the state of your body, balance rest and activity.
3) Get the right form of emotional support for you. It could be from friends, family, religious group or even your cancer support group.

Source: Thinkstock / Fuse
Posted on May 5, 2023