pain osteoarthritis

  • What are Osteoporosis Symptoms?

    Osteoporosis is becoming a nationally recognized disease, which is defined by one’s bone density becoming lost and/or breaking off. Literally, the bones of the body become super fragile and porous and eventually get to a point where they can easily snap or break from becoming to brittle. Osteoporosis, literally...
  • Osteoporosis: What is it?

    The first thing you should know about Osteoporosis is that it is a common old-age disease of bone due to which bones become more vulnerable to fractures. Bone loss is characterized by a decrease in bone density due to the excessively rapid loss of bone substance and structure. The...
  • 5 Foods to Eat If You Have Osteoporosis

    Osteoporosis is a condition that lessens bone density and bone strength which results in fragile bones. Osteoporosis causes them to become very spongy much like that of a sponge thus crippling the bones resulting in frequent fractures. Bones are made up of collagen, protein, and calcium which coincide together...
  • Osteoporosis: What Women and Men Should Know

    Quite often when we hear the word osteoporosis, many of us instantly relate it in our minds to middle-aged women. While this presumption is commonplace, a seldom known fact is that 22% of those who suffer bone loss and deterioration from this ‘silent killer’ are, in fact, men. The...
  • Osteoporosis Treatment Options

    Osteoporosis is a disease where bone density decreases. This causes a person to have fragile bones. Osteoporosis often clots the blood, extreme pain and pneumonia. Due to the fact that osteoporosis can result in a number of heightened medical conditions, there are numerous treatment methods that are available. Osteoporosis...
  • What Causes Osteoporosis?

    Osteoporosis is a developing condition in which the bones become so fragile that they may break easily and lead to permanent disability or even death. Serious possibilities include the following: bone injuries, serious back pain, and form problems that must demand work, hospitalization, and possible even surgery. Osteoporosis is...