Email Marketing Tips for your Small Business

Small Business Email Marketing, Email Marketing Tips

So, you’ve started up a new business and have no idea how to market it? Well, friends, you’ve come to the right place. It may be well-known in the world of the internet, but a lot of businesses get off the ground by using emails, as archaic as that might sound now with the rise of social media. Despite this, it is one of the most effective tools you can use to get your business off the ground. Using an email marketing for small business service could be the secret to getting your business up and running and getting it recognized in the world of business. Read on for five wonderful tips and tricks for email marketing for small businesses!

Don’t Spam the People You Want to Keep

We’re all guilty of unsubscribing from a website for receiving too many emails, and usually at the weirdest of times, too. We’ve unsubscribed from so many websites who made that mistake. There might be a word for that… Spam. That’s it. Don’t let that be your business. Don’t let your business end up in that spam folder for it to be unread and forgotten all about. There is always the right time to send emails and how many emails you should send. When is that time, exactly? Often, research finds, once people have had dinner and are all relaxed and unwinding from a long day at work, around 8pm-12am, you will get a lot more people to read your emails. So perhaps bear that one in mind before you decide to spend time sending out 1000 emails a day to the people on your contact list. You might just be surprised at what you’ll find.


When we say networking in an article about emails, you may get a little intimidated by it, but don’t worry! We’re not talking about the computer kind of networking. We’re talking about the kind where you go to a party, and try and make friends with all of the important people. It’s a similar thing when it comes to growing your email address. We say similar because it’s not exactly the same. Instead of schmoozing the important people, we’ve got a newsflash. Everybody who visits your business is important, and so chuck every visitor on the email list – have a mailing list, have a comments section, have a coupon club – the world is your oyster. All you need to do is to make sure it captures emails for you to send your emails out to. It’s hard to go wrong with this little tip!

See What Works and What Doesn’t

Before you send out your email, you’ll want to make sure it is perfect. There are a number of ways to do this, like sending it to a small group of people you trust and getting feedback on how effective it is in the respects you want to be effective in. Make sure to test it on a number of platforms just to see if it can still hold its own, and don’t forget to use specific software (A/B) to see how many people open and read it. That, right there, is what you need to keep an eye on when you’re thinking about getting your email marketing for small business. If it’s not up to your standards, it won’t be up to other people’s standards – so trying everything to see what works and what doesn’t is a sure fire way to earn success.

Try Everything

When you’re beginning a huge email marketing campaign, it is easy to forget about the smaller details, like participation. Visitors like to feel included in stuff, and people often forget about the interactive feature of email campaigns, like suggested and related offers, as well as polls and opinion surveys. It can be more beneficial to get more business and for the visitor to get the most out of your emails. It’s a win-win situation and it’d be a shame to not take advantage of it. This tip is a valuable one when you are thinking about expanding your small business, and of course when you’re just going about your general business when it comes to email marketing campaigns.

Don’t Go for Offers, Go for Value!

When you’re sending your emails, you may get caught in something we like to call the sales pitch trap. We call it this because just imagine yourself at a party. After a long day at work, you still haven’t switched off, and you’re just talking shop the whole time. People will stop listening after a while, so it is important to include valuable information to keep people engaged and to stop them from walking away from you mid-conversation. It’s like this with emails, too. You need to make sure your emails are filled with something that keeps the visitors engaged, as well as subtly weaving in some offers. It’s a bit of a challenge at first, admittedly, but it’s absolutely essential when it comes to making the best of your email marketing campaigns. This tip will save your bacon at least once, we promise!

Featured Image Source: Thinkstock/JumpStock

Posted on May 5, 2023