When searching for the best small business internet providers, there are several factors that you need to consider. Price, speed, availability, and reliability are the most obvious that every small business should take into account, but there are other factors as well. Before choosing a particular internet service provider, it’s good to determine how many people use the internet per day and for what purpose. That is an important factor to consider. Internet usage varies from one business to another depending on their primary usage and the number of users. Here’s a look at four of the best small business internet providers.
Verizon FiOS

Source: thewrap.com
Verizon FiOS is one of the best small business internet providers who offer a fast internet solution. If speed is what you’re seeking, Verizon. Their 300 Mb per second download is by far the best in the industry at the moment and their 65 Mb per second upload rate is more than enough for a small or even big business. Unlike other internet service providers,
Verizon FiOS internet is slightly higher regarding price due to its fast speeds. You can save money, however, by choosing another internet deal with Verizon, signing a two-year contract with the company or by purchasing a bundled deal. Internet subscription with Verizon FiOS also provides reliable access to Wi-Fi hotspots.
Charter Communications

Source: multichannel.com
Charter Communication is a great alternative for businesses looking for high-speed internet packages at reasonable and affordable prices. Charter has very flexible services, letting you choose among 30 Mbps, 50 Mbps or 100 Mbps download rates depending on the speed you need and the number of internet users you require. They also make it possible for you to have TV service or phone internet at your company by purchasing a bundle deal, enabling you to save a little cash. Keep in mind that internet requirements vary from one business to another.

Source: ebuzzing.com
Mediacom is one of the most popular small business internet providers who offer many services. They provide customers with plenty of alternatives, cable internet packages suitable for any business size. Small business can choose between their Standard or Plus plans offering 5 Mbps and 10 Mbps respectively. They also have another, the Ultra 105 plan, which offers 105 Mbps and supports many more internet users at once. Also, Mediacom provides phone and TV Internet services.
AT&T U-Verse

Source: memphisflyer.com
The best thing you’ll notice about AT&T U-Verse is their fair pricing. Even though their speed is a bit slower compared to other small business internet providers mentioned earlier, their services are not only excellent but affordable. 24 Mbps is not a bad speed for a small company. AT&T U-Verse also offers decent bundle deals depending on the size of the business and internet requirements. Just like the rest, they also provide phone and internet services. It all comes down to what needs your small business are interested in the most.
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