
  • 9 Possible Causes of Early Menopause

    There is no crystal ball or DNA test to predict when menopause will hit, though your best bet would be to look at exactly when your mother or older sisters did went through it. “Family history is often the best predictor,” states Mary Jane Minkin, a clinical doctor of...
  • The Causes, Treatment, And Preventive Measures For Prostate Cancer

    The prostate gland is a small gland located just below a man’s bladder and is responsible for secreting the fluid that causes ejaculation. Prostate cancer begins when the cells in the gland grow and develop more rapidly than the normal cells. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of...
  • 9 Things That are Increasing Your Risk of Early Menopause

    There is no crystal ball or DNA test to predict when menopause will hit, though your best bet would be to look at exactly when your mother or older sisters first experienced their own menopause. “Family history is often the best predictor,” states Mary Jane Minkin, a clinical doctor...