When you are short on cash, a payday loan can supply the extra cash that you need. Whether you need to pay for an emergency car repair, a fee for your child’s sports team, or a critical home repair, payday loans give you the money you require. Finding an...
When you need money, people may tell you to tap into your savings account or ask friends and family—but when that isn’t an option, what can you do? Here are some ways that you can get cash quickly and without a lot of hassle. Merchant Cash Advance Small businesses...
You’ve probably seen payday loans advertised on television or billboards. High dollar amounts instantly for just a small fee sounds tempting, but you need to know both the advantages and disadvantages to these loan types. Unlike a traditional bank loan, payday loans aren’t based on a credit score, instead...
A payday loan, also known as a “cash advance” loan, is a loan for a small amount, usually under $500, and is due on your next payday. The cost to receive a payday loan is high, at $10 to $30 for every $100 loaned. The average fee of $15...
Payday loans can be risky because of untrustworthy companies, but finding a good business could help you get a better interest rate and make you feel more comfortable with your advance. These are some ways you can find a good, trustworthy company. Ask Your Friends and Family Asking your...
In order to understand the truth about advance payday loans, one needs to understand what a payday loan entails and how they work. A payday loan is a type of loan in which a person who is employed can borrow money from their existing paycheck in advance. There is a...