treatment wisdom tooth pain
Tooth pain can be annoyingly painful, particularly if you know you have to wait a while for your dentist appointment. So what can you do until then? There are a few home remedies you can use to minimize discomfort, but if you’d rather go over-the-counter, then Orajel is a...
An abscess occurs when the pulp chamber inside a tooth becomes infected. The pulp chamber is a collection of nerves and blood vessels which runs up through the inside of the tooth. The infection then spreads and multiplies down through the tooth, before collecting down at the tooth root...
Tooth pain can result from a number of conditions inside the mouth. A broken or decayed tooth, food caught between teeth, wisdom tooth pain and gum ulcers can all cause mild-to-severe pain. This pain can interrupt day-to-day activities such as sleep, work, and eating, and can be all-the-more annoying...
Pain management is often the main goal behind many medications dealing with the oral cavity, or mouth. The most commonly used drug for relieving pain or a toothache is non-narcotic analgesics. The most commonly used non-narcotic analgesics include: Ibuprofen (such as Advil, Nuprin, and Motrin), acetaminophen (Tylenol), and aspirin (Bayer);...