chronic constipation

  • Treatment Chronic Constipation

    There is an abundance of natural constipation remedies. Some are more effective than others, and some are nothing more than placebos. There are five remedies in particular that are widely used around the globe to ensure constipation relief, such as herbal constipation remedies, fish and castor oils, probiotics, and...
  • What to do When your Child has Constipation

    Stool or fecal matter is usually what absorbs fluids into the intestine. When this is all combined with the inside movement of the intestine, this is what gets the fluids through without difficulty. If the fecal matter remains in the colon area for too long or takes its time...
  • chronic constipation disease

    Chronic Constipation Disease

    Chronic constipation is characterized by infrequent, difficult, or incomplete bowel movements. This may mean having fewer than three bowel movements a week. It can also presents itself with straining during bowel movements, having hard stools, and the inability to pass stool. The main difference between regular constipation and chronic constipation...
  • constipation treatments

    Medications Constipation

    There are many medications that can help with constipation. These include both over-the-counter options and prescription medications. With over-the-counter medications, your doctor will be able to help choose the right one for you. Over-the-counter options include: fiber supplements osmotics stimulants stool softeners suppositories enemas Fiber supplements help to add...
  • chronic constipation drugs

    Chronic Constipation Drugs

    Chronic constipation is when you experience symptoms of constipation often and for a long time. Constipation may be a result of an underlying disease, such as irritable bowel syndrome. However, it may also be caused by the use of s. Exercise and changes in diet may be enough to...
  • constipation treatments

    Constipation Treatments

    Constipation is one of the most common digestive complaints in the US. It is typically defined as when a person has fewer than 3 bowel movements per week, or who also suffers from hard stools and incomplete bowel movements. A survey by the American Gastroenterological Association showed that around...
  • chronic constipation causes

    Chronic Constipation Causes

    Constipation is defined by the slow passage of digesting food through the digestive system, most often in the colon. There are a variety of causes behind the slowing down of digesting food through the digestive tract. In many instances, constipation is caused by medications. The following are common medications...