new treatment for hep c genotype 1
Hepatitis C is an infection that impacts the liver. It is spread through contact with the blood of an individual who carries the virus. Hepatitis C results in the inflammation of the liver and can potentially contribute to severe liver scarring. While the treatment of hepatitis used to necessitate...
Hepatitis C (Hep C) is a viral infection of the liver. It spreads from person to person in a variety of ways, but always through blood or other bodily fluids. This means that it is possible to catch Hepatitis C from infected needles and unprotected sex. It can also...
Hepatitis C is a viral disease that causes the functionality of the liver to decrease, leading to its inflammation. The disease affects around 4 million people each year in the United States alone. Approximately 75% of this population suffers from Hepatitis C Genotype 1. Chronic hepatitis C may lead...
Hepatitis C is an infection caused by the hepatitis C virus. It is spread by contact with an infected person’s blood and is extremely contagious. In fact, hepatitis C is approximately seven times more infectious than HIV. It affects the liver, and with time it can lead to cirrhosis...
Hepatitis C is an infection that occurs in the lungs. It is transmitted by contact with an infected person’s blood and is easily spread. Hepatitis C impacts the liver, and over time, it can lead to serious liver scarring (cirrhosis), liver cancer, and even liver failure. Some individuals with the hepatitis C...