• Allergy Treatments

    Effective Allergy Treatments

    Before getting into the various allergy treatments to combat this issue, let us first explore the details of allergies and its symptoms. So, what is an allergy?  An allergy is an overreaction of the body’s immune system to harmless substances. Most common allergens include pollen, dust, nuts, and certain...
  • Urinary Incontinence Products

    Urinary incontinence refers to the loss of bladder control. It is a very common and often embarrassing problem. The severity ranges from occationally leaking urine when you cough or sneeze to having an urge to urinate that’s so sudden and strong you don’t get to a toilet in time....
  • 5 Sweat Myths That Smell Suspicious

    Sweat—everybody does it, and virtually no one likes it. Because of the social taboo that surrounds this bodily function, there is a wealth of information about what causes it and how to stop it. Unfortunately, not all of this information is 100% correct. Here is a look at five...
  • Blood Clot Treatments: Your Best Options

    Blood clots can range from mild and easily treatable to very severe. Whatever your situation and urgency may be, it’s important to know your options before starting any medication or your blood clot treatment plan. Blood clots can have a variety of symptoms, depending on where in the body...
  • What is Plaque Psoriasis?

    It might be considered by some as nothing but an annoyance, but if you have been diagnosed with Plaque Psoriasis chances are that you would prefer that you could get rid of it. Since a cure has not yet been discovered for Plaque Psoriasis, patients must do everything in...
  • 10 Terms To Know About Cystic Fibrosis

    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder passed from parent to child. When both parents have a mutated CF gene, any offspring has about a 25% chance of inheriting it. Although all newborns are now tested for CF, symptoms may not appear until later in life. While recent medical advents...
  • What Are the Stages of Pancreatic Cancer?

    Dealing with cancer is difficult, but when the verdict is pancreatic cancer, the survival rate is only 25 percent for the first five years after the diagnosis. Like all other cancers, staging occurs from the beginning. The oncologist will base the stages upon various factors, such as if the...
  • 5 Best Exercises For Women With Bladder Control Issues

    Having an overactive bladder is an embarrassing condition. Bladder control problems can cause issues like interruptions to your daily life and make you miss out on special moments that could be lasting memories. Overactive bladder can cause symptoms such as incontinence, the urge to urinate, or the inability to...
  • Symptoms Of Hernia

    A hernia is a common medical issue occurring when tissue or a portion of an internal organ bulges through an opening or weak spot in muscle tissue. Although the majority of hernias occur in the abdomen, they can occur in other parts of the body as well. Hernias are...
  • How to Prevent Prostate Cancer?

    When it comes to prostate cancer, about one in every seven men will be diagnosed with this illness. It can be a devastating diagnosis to have to deal with because treatment for this type of cancer can be rigorous. Thankfully, there are many things that you can do as a...
  • Overview of Lymphoma

    What is Lymphoma? Lymphoma is a classification of cancer. Cancerous tumors are classified according to the type of cell the tumor originated from. Lymphoma develops from cells that originate in the bone marrow and mature into the various components of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system part of the...
  • What You Need To know About Eating Disorders

    You’ve probably heard all about eating disorders and the horrific effects they can have on the people who suffer from them. There are a few things you should probably know about eating disorders though; if you or someone you love could be suffering from one. Remember that eating disorders...
  • 9 Things That Are Increasing Your Risk Of Early Menopause, POSTMENOPAUSAL BLEEDING

    Understanding Menopause

    Menopause, the process of a woman’s body ceasing menstruation, is a natural event that every woman’s body goes through.  It can happen naturally or can surgically be started for a woman through the removal of her ovaries and or uterus. When it happens naturally, it usually occurs in women between the ages...
  • How to Handle Bed Bugs

    The recent increase in bed bug invasions has caused quite a stir. Not only are these crawling insects getting into people’s homes and businesses, they are also becoming quite the nuisance for hotel operators and hospital administrators. Bed bugs do not carry disease, but they are certainly considered a...
  • Glioblastoma: What is it?

    Tumors in the brain or spinal cord that develop in the areas surrounding and supporting nerve cells fall under the glioma category. Depending on which glial cells are responsible, astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, or glioblastoma tumors may form. Glioblastomas are the most malignant and swiftest growing of these tumors, making them extremely dangerous....
  • What is Total Hip Replacement?

    Total hip replacement, which is also known simply as hip replacement or hip arthroplasty, is a long-term surgical treatment for reducing your hip joint pain and increasing your hip’s range of motion. Hip replacements are performed by orthopedic surgeons, physicians who specialize in treating diseases and conditions relating to the...
  • Epileptic Seizures: Complex Partial Seizures

    The human brain operates by transmitting electrical signals via neurons (nerve cells). When there is a surge in these electrical signals, an individual will suffer an epileptic seizure. Seizures can impact the entire brain, but a partial seizure affects just a small portion of the brain. Epileptic seizures can...
  • Learn 3 Things To Surviving Your First Prostate Exam

    As a man, you will eventually have to undergo a prostate exam. It is recommended by the American Cancer Society that men get screened by the age of 40. This is because the development of prostate cancer in middle-aged men has increased in recent years. It is important to...
  • Understanding Fibromyalgia

    Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition of virtually body-wide pain. Although it is still not completely understood, it seems to be characterized by poor sleep, cognitive problems, head-to-toe pain and stiffness, and a variety of other physical and psychological symptoms severe enough to interfere with everyday life. Although the exact...
  • Treatments for Narcolepsy

    If you are prone to daytime exhaustion, poor sleep at night, and falling suddenly into a deep sleep regardless of what you might be doing at the time, you might have a sleep disorder known as narcolepsy. While little is known about the cause of narcolepsy, and there is no...
  • What is Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

    Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia is a plague of the bone marrow, a cancer of the white blood cells, and a destroyer of families. Not many people are familiar with much CML information, thus it needs to be shared. Chronic myelogenous leukemia affects the body’s white blood cells. The meaning of the...
  • The Best Exercises For Toning Your Arms

    Having flabby arms can make anyone feel self-conscious. You can’t wear sleeveless nor can you even wear tight long-sleeves without feeling like a tightly-wrapped German sausage. Indeed, having flabby arms is every woman’s bane. If you want to wear want you want to wear and look damn good in...
  • Recognizing The Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder

    Each life has its ups and downs. In any case, when the “ups” are too high and the “downs” are too low, and the swing between the two is excessively unexpected, bipolar disorder may be the diagnosis. Bipolar disorder, otherwise called hyper-depression, is a temperament disorder that causes behaviors,...
  • What Is Abnormal Blood Sugar?

    Blood sugar, commonly referred to as blood glucose, is the concentration of glucose or sugar in the blood of an animal or human. It enters the human body through consumption of carbohydrates before being is processed by ; this is a hormone secreted by the pancreas and helps the...
  • Heartburn: What are the Causes?

    What is Heartburn? Heartburn is a type of burning sensation that happens in your chest. You will quickly discover that the pain can get worse if you lie down or bend over. Even though it is called heartburn, it has nothing to do with your heart. Rather, it is...
  • How You Can Benefit From Walking

    Walking is among the easiest and most helpful exercise you can engage in to lose weight, relieve stress and stay fit. Taking a brisk walk or run in the morning also refreshes the body and puts it into good shape for the activities throughout the day. If you also...
  • Putting Together Your Diabetes Diet To Make It Work

    Diabetes is a condition that has become the focus of many health experts. Be that as it may, the fact that this condition is caused as a result of sedentary lifestyles makes it easier for it to be managed. One such way is following a diabetes diet. The essence of this...
  • Meningitis

    Meningitis occurs when the membranes surrounding your brain and spinal cord become inflamed. The swelling that results is usually what causes the most well-known symptoms of the condition: headache, fever, and stiff neck. Depending on the cause of the infection that triggers meningitis, it can either get better on its...
  • Symptoms of Cold Sores

    Don’t you just hate those little fever blisters on your lips that emerge about 2-3 times a year? You don’t remember when the fever blisters first emerged, and you can hardly tell when they are going to emerge next. You only feel a little burning one or maybe two...
  • Myocardial Infarction Prevention

    A heart attack happens when the bloodstream to the heart gets reduced. Medically, another name for a heart attack is a myocardial infarction. Pressure and pain in the heart is a primary sign that an individual is experiencing a heart attack, but there are usually more symptoms involved. Other...
  • laxative for opiate constipation

    Laxative for Opiate Constipation

    One of the most common side effects of taking medications is constipation. There are different ways you can combat opiate constipation. It may require some lifestyle changes, such as changes in diet, but this alone might not be enough. In these cases, there are medications you can take to...
  • Herpes Test

    Herpes Test

    Herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In fact, according to Medical News Today, it is thought that over half of the United States population has herpes type-1—also known as oral herpes—while around 15.5% have herpes type-2—also known as genital herpes. As such, people should...
  • Bed Bugs Extermination And Pest Control

    Bed bugs are wingless oval-shaped insects that are feed exclusively on blood. Their bodies are small and flat and can very hard to detect in your home. Killing bed bugs quickly can be difficult but it is possible to treat a bed bug infestation with some methods effectively. Here...
  • What You Should Know About Mouth Cancer

    Mouth cancer, also known as oral cancer, is defined as the uncontrollable growth of cells which invade and cause damage to surrounding tissue. Mouth caner can occur anywhere in the mouth, on the surface of the tongue, the lips, inside the cheek, in the gums, in the roof and...
  • What Your Body Odor is Trying to Tell You

    Taking good care of your health is a daily routine that you should always strive hard to achieve and make sure you look healthier, smell good, smart and perfect all the time. Apart from daily upkeep, there are a lot of things that you need to put in mind...
  • Natural Depression Treatments

    Depression is a serious mood disorder. It can cause severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. Just trying to get through the day can be overwhelming. According to a research, depression is one of the most common mental...
  • The Difference Between Unipolar and Bipolar Depression

    Depression is a health condition that is associated with various symptoms such as loss of interest, low thinking, change in eating and sleeping habits, the melancholic mood among others. There are two types of depression, unipolar and bipolar depression. A clinical officer needs to identify which kind of depression...
  • How Blood Clots Affect Different Body Parts

    While clotting is a normal and healthy response of the blood to a cut or wound, sometimes a blood clot hurts more than it helps. A thrombus, or blood clot, can cause a whole host of issues by its presence in the circulatory system. Blood flow is limited in...
  • Treating your Migraine

    A Migraine is a severe headache that causes throbbing pain mostly at the front or side of the head; it may also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting or an increased sensitivity to sound and light. Migraines are a common health problem that often begins in early adulthood and may...
  • The Best Ways to Prevent Hemorrhoids

    Everyone knows that scrolling through your phone is a great way to pass time on the toilet. However, not everyone knows it could lead to severe pain in your lower abdomen. According to Dr. Anish Sheth, a gastroenterologist at the University Medical Center of Princeton-based in New Jersey, people...
  • What You Need to Know About Pancreatic Cancer

    The pancreas is a six-inch-long organ located behind the lower part of your stomach. Its function is to secrete the hormones and glucagon that help regulate sugar metabolism and enzymes that aid digestion. When the hormones are not working properly, diabetes is often the result. Pancreatic cancer occurs when...
  • Child ADHD Symptoms

    Understanding just exactly what ADHD is means part of the battle is already won when it comes to ensuring that your child is able to live a full and productive life, even if they have been diagnosed with this very common childhood disorder. So what exactly is Attention Deficit...
  • Hernia: An Overview

    Understanding a Hernia A hernia is a displaced organ protruding through the wall of its container. They are most common in the abdomen area. There are various types of hernias, some more common than others depending on genders. There are umbilical hernia, inguinal hernia, femoral hernia and hiatal hernia....
  • Thyroid Cancer Treatment Options

    Thyroid cancer affects a lot of people. In fact, about 56,000 people get a diagnosis each year in the US alone. And most of the diagnoses are the most common type – papillary thyroid cancer. While women are more likely to get thyroid cancer than men, everyone runs a...
  • Osteoporosis Treatment Options

    Osteoporosis is a disease where bone density decreases. This causes a person to have fragile bones. Osteoporosis often clots the blood, extreme pain and pneumonia. Due to the fact that osteoporosis can result in a number of heightened medical conditions, there are numerous treatment methods that are available. Osteoporosis...
  • Understanding Eating Disorders

    An Overview of Eating Disorders An eating disorder is a broad term used to describe problematic eating habits that typically result in malnutrition and either excessive weight loss or gain depending upon the specific form. While eating disorders have physical impacts and consequences for affected individuals, the underlying causes...
  • Causes Of Alcoholism

    Information Alcohol, or an alcoholic beverage, is a beverage that contains ethanol. These beverages are classified into three groups: beers, wines and spirits. While alcoholic beverages are usually part of social events in many cultures, the neurological effect of alcohol causes governments to regulate the production, sale and consumption...
  • What You Should Know About Chronic Stress?

    “I’m so stressed out.” While practically everyone has muttered this at least a few times, some feel that way constantly. They may even be completely debilitated by it, both physically and psychologically. An occasional bout of stress is totally normal; it can even be healthy and helpful. But for some...
  • Treatments For Gum Disease

    Gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, is caused when the tissue and bones surrounding the teeth become swollen and infected. The two stages of gum disease are known as gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease in which the gums become swollen, red,...
  • How to Prevent a Hernia

    Hernias occur when an organ is able to push through a gap in the muscles that hold it in place. While many hernias are painless and are typically not dangerous, they do require surgery to correct. For this reason, it’s best to try and prevent them before they happen....