atopic dermatitis

  • Understanding Dermatitis Types

    Simply put, dermatitis refers to the inflammation of the skin, but it covers a wide array of conditions. In many individuals, the initial stages of dermatitis are defined by red, itchy, and dry skin. In more severe cases of dermatitis, people experience hard flakes, painful fissures, or oozing sores....
  • Symptoms of Dermatitis

    Dermatitis is used to refer to a class of various skin conditions with distinct characteristics. In some cases, the medical terms dermatitis and eczema may be interchangeable, but they do not always refer to the same condition. While all the different types of dermatitis cause what can be defined...
  • Treating Seborrheic Dermatitis

    Seborrheic dermatitis also referred to as dandruff, is a common skin disease that mainly affects the scalp and usually some other oil-secreting areas of the skin like the face chest. While this condition is fairly unpleasant for most patients, many treatment options are available. Seborrheic dermatitis can arise in...
  • Contact Dermatitis

    Contact dermatitis is a type of rash that forms when the skin gets in contact with a particle or substance and becomes irritated. Contact dermatitis is not life-threatening or even very serious, but it is typically a source of severe discomfort. Here is a quick guide to understanding the...
  • What Causes Seborrheic Dermatitis?

    Seborrheic dermatitis, also known as seborrheic eczema, dandruff, or seborrheic psoriasis, is a prevalent skin condition that primarily develops on the scalp. Seborrheic dermatitis is characterized by red, flaky patches on the skin and mainly affects greasy parts of the body like the face, eyebrows, eyelids, ears, around the...
  • Dupixent

    Dupixent Eczema Treatment

    Eczema is an itchy reaction produced by the skin in a number of diseases. The reaction pattern consists of a red elevated plaque with red fluid-filled blisters. When the blisters break, the affected skin will weep and ooze. In chronic eczema, the blisters are less prominent and the skin...
  • Varicose Eczema

    Varicose Eczema Treatment

    Eczema is a common skin condition that results in the appearance of red, inflamed, dry, and itchy patches of skin. The reaction is typically marked by red, bumpy plaques with fluid-filled blisters. When the blisters break open, the affected skin can ooze pus. In chronic eczema, the blisters are less...
  • Eczema

    Eczema Creams

    Eczema causes a skin reaction and has numerous subtypes. The reaction usually appears as plaques of red, bumpy skin with pus-filled sores. When the blisters break open, they may also ooze pus. In cases of chronic eczema, instead of blistering, the skin becomes hardened, bumpy, and scaly. There are over 10...
  • Atopic Eczema Relief

    Atopic Eczema Relief

    Eczema is an umbrella term for a group of skin conditions that cause patches of irritated, dry, and itchy skin. Atopic dermatitis is known as the most common prevalent form of eczema which is a term used interchangeably with eczema. Atopic dermatitis typically sets in during infancy and may...