what causes blocked nose

  • 6 Reasons You Might Have Chronic Nasal Congestion

    Understanding the cause of your chronic nasal congestion and your triggers may help you in relieving your symptoms much more effectively, so here are some of the most common reasons for nasal congestion or a stuffy nose. You might have nasal congestion due to allergies The lining of the...
  • Nasal Congestion Treatment

    A host of factors can be the cause of nasal congestion (or a stuffy nose), including the flu, the common cold, and exposure to allergens. Regardless of what your triggers are, you do end up experiencing the annoying symptoms of nasal congestion. The root cause of that stuffy sensation...
  • Relieving Nasal Congestion Symptoms

    Nasal congestion, also known as a stuffy nose or head congestion, is caused by the swelling of the nasal passages as well as the surrounding vessels along with an overproduction of mucus. Nasal congestion is typically more of an inconvenience than a serious issue, but it can also be...
  • Natural Nasal Congestion Treatment Options

    Regardless of the cause of your nasal congestion, a stuffy nose and having trouble breathing can take it out of you. Nasal congestion or head congestion is typically a result of the swelling of the nasal passages and surrounding blood vessels accompanied by an overproduction of mucus. This mucus...
  • 5 Effective Ways to Relieve Nasal Congestion

    There is a myriad of ways to relieve nasal congestion granted there is no serious underlying cause to it. If you have been experiencing nasal congestion for longer than a couple of weeks, get in contact with your physician right away. Otherwise, give these tips a whirl to clear...
  • What Can Cause Nasal Congestion?

    Nasal congestion, also typically referred to as head congestion or a stuffy nose, happens when nasal passages enlarge with too much fluid, leading to a stuffy sensation that can also be coupled with nasal secretion. The cause of nasal or head congestion is typically something that irritates or aggravates...